Sunday, April 1, 2012


Media infused presentations are efficient, tactical ways to provide information without the drudgery of simply copying notes written on a board or in a PowerPoint.  They allow the insertion of animation, video, music and sounds to emphasize a specific point or to make a given point more memorable.  Take a simple statement or fact, and add a picture, noise, video or music to it, and more often than not, people (students) will remember that point more easily, as it sharply draws their attention.

Depending upon the nature of the presentation's creator, and what they are trying to portray, media-infused presentations can reinforce a disciplined mind by simply providing facts in written or pictorial formats, much like a standard PowerPoint presentation can do.  In addition, the Prezi style format can help to develop a synthesizing mind by creating "boxes within boxes".  The outermost, or largest box, can be a general summarization of the concept, while each subsequently smaller box creates more detail.

Another style to support the synthesizing mind is the pathway.  Much like a board game, a student would start at the beginning, then take subsequent steps to travel the path to the conclusion of the game... this is the style which I used within this Prezi.

In addition to being a good tool for teacher-to-student presentations, the Prezi system can also be used by multiple students to create a team-based presentation without the usual problems of transferring files and like-time on the same computer.  One of the options with the Prezi system is the ability to simultaneously edit online from multiple computers.  This flexibility allows students to collaborate and synthesize their work from their own domains, thus taking the classroom or library out of the picture.

My presentation, based upon the forces of flight, is an entry-level design with the purpose of introducing people who know that aircraft fly, but not how, to the concepts of gravity, lift, thrust and drag.

Select the picture below to visit my Prezi on the
Forces of Flight.

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