Sunday, April 8, 2012


According to Sir Ken Robinson, "Education is meant to take us into this future that we can't grasp".
Unfortunately, many views, techniques and goals of our current educational systems are stuck in the past...
I believe that schools (at least most public schools) are destroying the creativity of future generations...  although I do not put the blame entirely on them.

Look to the politicians and lawyers who determine what needs to be taught...

Look to the people who believe that every student should be taught the same, no matter their abilities or interests...

Look to those who only focus on numbers, not individuality...

Look to those who only value knowledge, not how it is used...

We have seen the death of creativity in movies and novels for decades: from movies such as "1984" to books such as "Fahrenheit 451", and we say that that will never happen to us - that it is only fiction.  Yet, here we are, following a set regimen of data-only acquisition in the classroom, teaching students only how to recite information, not to creatively develop and understand it.

To illustrate how far back this has gone, watch the following advertisement for Apple:

Almost twenty years ago, Apple / Macintosh recognized what was happening to our society.  Whether in the classroom or out. 

What can we do to help prevent this, yet still follow the mandates set down by those in power?

Just using such environments as Power Point or Prezi as a teacher is not enough. The student needs to be able to pick up the hammer and use it.  To break the bonds of "oneness" and express their own views and designs.

  • In math classes, assign projects where students must chart the steps of an algebraic equation using Prezi...

  • In history, have students create a Jeopardy-style PowerPoint relating to past Presidents, leaders, or states/nations/capitols...
  •  In science, have students make a weekly blog on questions posted...
  • In English / Literature, have students team up to create a Glogster site that retells a classic story (Huck Finn, the Scarlet Letter, Romeo and Juliet)  in their own words...

The tools are available to use. 
It is up to us as teachers to ensure that students do more than just recite information. 
It is up to us to present them with the hammer to break the mold...

1 comment:

  1. Andrew,
    First I must say your blog page is very entertaining. The use of visuals & color really add a nice flavor to the form of blogging. Next, I think your blog on the "Death of Creativity" is a fair account of what is going on in regard to technology and creativity in our schools. I was very impressed with Sir Ken Robinson and found his words stirring and a call to action. I enjoyed seeing the Apple add and agree we may need a "hammer" to get the job done. The tools are here and now and as you mentioned in an earlier blog, we need to spend time getting teachers to learn and master these technologies so that they can feel confident using them in their teachings. We need to let children communicate, collaborate, and be creative in their work with technology.
