Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Before viewing the video blog for this assignment,
I would just like to briefely explain exactly what I did.

First, I created a Prezi to supplement visually what I was talking about orally.
Second, using a software called CAMTASIA, I recorded what was on the screen, including my verbal dialog, thus making the video stream which you are about to watch.

Simple, yet effective.

I would also like to quote General George S. Patton:
"Give me five minutes, and I can talk for a day.
Expect me to talk for only five minutes, and I will need a week to prepare."

I could easily fit my entire audio presentation into the two minute maximum as posted, but with the visual enhancement, it took about seven seconds too much.  After multiple editings and re-recordings, I finally said enough...

Here is how I would cultivate the five minds...

1 comment:

  1. I really like your Prezi presentation. Your points about cultivating the 5 minds were meaninful and justified with details. I like that you kept going back to the brain "mind" before starting each new mind. I thought your prestation was to the point. I agree with the ways you plan to continue to enhance and develop the 5 minds. I also like your son's school's "BARK". Very clever. Your voice was clear and calm throughout the presentation. Good job!
