Digital Portfolio
Three weeks ago I received a furlough notice from my school district. Myself and eleven others. After twelve years.
To say that it was a devastating experience is an understatement.
In my panicked search for a new job, I noticed several ads for WIX, and decided to set up a basic portfolio / resume as something that I could take on interviews and show perspective employers some of my past projects and information. I had actually done a WIX site some time back through of all things a CAD class that I had taken at Pennsylvania College of Technology. The site then, to say the least, was (is) somewhat "cheesy", with a lot of moving slides and difficult to track, but it was fun to make at the time.
This time I used a different layout, and made things somewhat more professional.
To make a simple, effective portfolio, WIX is a great site to go to. If you don't mind the ads, the site is for free. The upgrade costs are monthly as opposed to annually, but depending upon what you want to use it for, it could be well worth it.
Before looking at this assignment, I had set the site up with the following pages:
After reading the assignment, I changed the site to include the following pages:
Class / School Project
Wilkes Portfolio
The site itself is extremely user friendly, and can handle a large amount of pictures and information. It is easy to alter information, add new pages and subpages, as well as images, vector art, videos and extra documents. In addition, anything uploaded for one WIX page is available on any other subsequent page set up through the same login. That allowed me to transfer many of the pictures from the first site to my new portfolio.
Depending upon where I end up with future employment, I think that I will develop a lesson plan to have students create a similar WIX portfolio for their work done in class.
My WIX portfolio is located at:
a shortlink to this site is:
Thank you!