Like many other links, freeware and online applications, shortlinks - the ability to shorten / minimize URL addresses to make them more user friendly - can be both a great asset as well as greatly exasperating. While they can make it much easier to remember a site, or to type in an address, creating the links themselves is not always easy.
Because the link or name that you have in mind might already have been taken!
Also, because the links that are generated randomly for you by the sites are just that - random - and not that easy to remember.
When creating the links, you need to be flexible enough to change your original thoughts, while keeping the idea of a shortlink simple enough and easy enough to remember. After all, if your new link is more difficult to remember than what your original link was, what is the point in creating it?
In looking at shortlinks, I investigated the following sites:
This site also utilized a clipboard function to bring the link to another document (such as this site).
In exploring these sites, I found that the site is now closed. Did you know that Wikispaces is also closing? What do you do when your favorite tool (or one described to you) closes? Check this link out!
Yes, I used to create this link...
I also investigated, which not only shortens your URL, but provided different link options, and generates a QR code at the same time! I generated both a shortlink through them, as well as QR codes to come back to this blog...
I can see using both the shortlink and the QR code reader in the classroom in multiple ways. First, I have my students create their own blogs and WIX websites detailing work that they have done. Something like an online portfolio. Using the shortlink applications or even the QR readers would be a great way to make these sites more easily accessible both to myself for grading, and for future job references if they take their work outside of the school.
Another way that they both can be used is for advertising school clubs or organizations. Having a shortlink or QR code makes it more likely that people will visit your website for more information, as they don't have to type forever to find the site. This past year, we created flyers detailing what we do in our TSA (Technology Student Association) program. Included on the flyer was a QR code that takes people to the National TSA website (see below)
Quad-fold flyer for Jersey Shore TSA program, inside |
Quad-fold flyer for Jersey Shore TSA program, outside |
QR Code for TSA website: 
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