Friday, May 4, 2018


Greetings, everyone.
If you take a look along the right hand toolbar area of this blog, you will now see that I have added a CC license to this site.  
It is an Attribution / Non-Commercial / Share Alike license (by-nc-sa).

What does this mean, and why this option?

Basically, what it is saying is that I do not have a problem if anyone wants to tweak, build upon or create a remix or mash up of what I post, as long as it is not used for commercial purposes, either immediately or in the future, and as long as they credit my base work that is being used.

All of the licenses seem to relate back to crediting the creator, or Attribution.  That is an automatic given  in this field, and while I don't consider myself an attention-magnet, I understand the need for this both in terms of originality and recognition.

I chose the by-nc-sa option not so much for the fact that I will get credit for something (believe me, I would rather stay in the shadows and not be seen at all), but for the fact that I don't want my work, or the work of my students, to be used in a commercial fashion unless we are approached directly and arrangements are made before said usage. 

I do, however, want to encourage and enhance student's creativity, and if they can do so by taking something that I have done and modifying it to show their own ideas and creativity, then they should be able to do so without retribution.  

Images from:
CC-BY-NC-SA:     downloaded from

Individual CC Icons (BY / NC / SA) downloaded from


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