Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Digital Media

Blog on Digital Media

The topic which I am going to present for this assignment will be based on my structural engineering unit.  Specifically, the discussion of the forces which affect a structure of any type.

The goals for this unit will be to introduce students to the following forces: 
  •  Compression
  • Tension
  • Bending
  • Torsion
  • Shearing

My use of Digital Media in this unit, especially at the beginning of the unit, is fairly extensive.  I use video streaming, both from online sources and from media which I have purchased myself.  I also use online labs, or "virtual labs", where the students can actually see the effects of forces.

As an introduction to the unit, I would pull a direct video feed from Discovery Education (DE):

I have two options at this point:  (1) show the whole video (appx. 23minutes), or (2) show individual segments (appx. 2-4minutes each).  Usually, the entire video is used to introduce the students to the topic, then the segments to reinforce or review. 

TENSION                                                              BENDING
COMPRESSION                                   TORSION & SHEARING

 How does this, a simple video benefit the students?
If shown just by itself, and for itself, not much.  However, when paired with an active discussion and possibly a lab, it gives students the insight as to why such things as forces must be taken into consideration when dealing with structures.  It also introduces students to vocabulary, and shows them actual objects that they might be familiar with, but do not realize what they are or what forces they are under.  As the adage says:  "A picture is worth a thousand words."  In addition, it provides both the teacher and the student a foundation to build upon (structural pun) and a reference to go back to if there are questions.

In addition to the digital media through DE, Public Broadcasting System (PBS) has a wonderful library of videos, texts, and virtual labs that can be accessed for a very wide range of topics.  A site that is applicable for a structural unit is called

This site, and its various links, provides "hands-on" (virtual) labs that let students explore


These virtual labs provide students with a hands-on, minds-on experience that otherwise might not be available due to budget or space, as well as a safe learning environment.  It allows them to "physically" compress, or squeeze an item without having to worry about damage to the item or to the student.  In addition, each student (within reason) can work at their own pace.  They can focus more upon parts of the lab which interest them, and obtain other avenues for discovery.  This lab also allows the instructor to focus on a specific areas which the student is having trouble without a lot of equipment or the reconstruction of a full experiment.

To summarize, both online video streaming, and virtual labs, provide both visual stimulation, bringing into focus what students might see from day to day but not recognize, and a hands-on action, allowing them to virtually perform tasks that might not be possible in the classroom.

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