Wednesday, March 14, 2012

728 Challenge

The purpose of this blog is to answer questions using 25 words or less each, yet be concise.  I guess this just goes to show one of the differences between "Digital Immigrants" and "Digital Natives".  I was always taught to expand upon your answers...

1. Who are you and what do you do?
               Andrew Baker: Tech Ed Instructor-Jersey Shore PA, TSA advisor & Freemason
2. What is your primary goal for taking this course?
                  Work on Masters, discover new media for classroom
3. What is your philosophy on Education?
                  Teaching to live in a technical world
4. What do you see as being the greatest benefit of using technology and/or digital media in the classroom?
                  Hands-on / Minds-on teaching: students interact more with lessons
5. What is your biggest concern or challenge with using technology and/or digital media in the classroom?
                  Keeping systems functional & staying updated w/software
6. Provide an example of how you currently use technology and/or digital media in the classroom.
                  CAD, Graphic Design, Online Sims, Online testing, Promethean, YouTube...
7. How does your classroom today differ from when you were the same age as your students?
               RE/Apollo 13:  A computer that actually fits in a room...

I am much better at writing long, detailed answers.  One of the major drawbacks to being an immigrant...

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