Sunday, November 26, 2017



As a Technology Education Instructor, the integrated relationship of Project Based Learning (PBL), technology and SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition) model is one that is blatantly obvious.

To start with, let’s break each of these major components down, and analyze what they are composed of:

Project Based Learning.

What is PBL?  PBL is, according to Edutopia, “a dynamic approach to teaching in which students explore real-world problems and challenges.”  ( ).  Within PBL, students are not just encouraged, but expected to take ownership of their learning, developing the skills necessary to promote lifelong learning and adaptability in an exponentially changing global society.  Students are no longer are required to just memorize and regurgitate information, but to gather definitive information, analyze and adapt said information to meet specified requirements, and then create a new and diverse solution to a given problem.  They have to actually think and adapt!


As soon as a person mentions technology, it is automatically assumed that we are talking about computers or electronics.  That is not the case.  A definition of technology which was once given to me by one of my mentors goes like this:   

TECHNOLOGY – the use of knowledge, tools and skills to solve practical problems and enhance human capabilities.

I have had that definition, as well as a self-made poster depicting the integration of technology into the liberal arts posted in my classrooms for more than two decades at this point in time.  As was mentioned by Michael Gorman,     

I began with technology integration at the start of my career integrating the use of scientific recording equipment, cameras, compasses, and archaeology tools to teach content area skills in the outdoor environment back in the 70’s. I tell this story because it is important to remember that tools are the foundation for technology integration.” (What Would Dewey Think?, Gorman, 2015)  

Technology is not necessarily about using a computer, tablet or smart phone.  It can be about using a hammer or saw, an inclined plane, or a magnifying glass.  I used to do a problem-solving project with second grade students using a bisected piece of PVC pipe, cut into short lengths, and a tennis ball.  The students had to move the ball from one side of the room to another without physically moving their feet if they had the ball in their possession.  This developed not only some teamwork skills, but the need to comprehend how high to start the ball off (if they started off too low, they couldn’t get to the other side), how to control the ball while in their possession, communication skills and an understanding of gravity and simple machines.  Then they had to learn to control those items. 

Take a look at the definition of both PBL and Technology, and you will see how these two topics fit hand in hand.  And that is only a basic, simple project for younger students.  


The integration of the SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition) model, to me, is simply an augmented modification of Bloom’s Taxonomy (Vanderbilt, 2017)  .  The Substitution / Augmentation level  of SAMR is comparable to the remember / understand / apply levels of Bloom, while the Modification / Redefinition levels relate to Bloom’s analyze / evaluate / create. The biggest difference is that, according to the SAMR model, electronic technology is to be used to develop and create new projects by the students (Puentedura, 2014).  

This is where many teachers fumble the ball, so to speak.  They look upon “technology” as a necessary evil, one to do basic research and writing with, yet not to explore or create new and exciting projects to enhance their student’s development.  In talking with many students throughout the school year, I have come to realize that most teachers only pay homage to Bloom’s taxonomy, and constrain most of their instruction to the basic levels:  Remember, Understand and Apply.  Even with the integration of technology (computers, tablets and applications), many still only use them for the basics of reading, writing and regurgitation.  Few are the teachers that do something different like the development of storyboards, videos and other projects, yet these are also the most popular of the teachers among the students...

As a Technology Education Instructor in the 90’s, it was part of my task to show how I incorporated common core subjects into what I taught on a daily basis.   It was the height of “teaching to the test”, and I had to show how students were gaining math skills, how history and language arts fell into the program, and even the use of scientific principles.  This was accomplished not so much with computers, but with what I referred to as “hands-on / minds-on” learning.  Hands-on / minds-on was (and is) just what is suggests:  students are learning through physically doing things.  Projects.  Projects which incorporated core learning, but which was broken down and presented in such a way that the students had to think for themselves, create items based on what they had learned, and develop the skills necessary to complete the task at hand.    This, basically, is the STEAM initiative which had exploded onto the scene within the last few years.  

What is STEAM to me?  Here is how I look at it:

Science is the study of things, whether it be agricultural, biological, chemical or zoological.  It can relate to history, English or even health.  It is the development of knowing information, and determining what questions to ask to enhance ones knowledge.
The use of knowledge, tools and skills to solve practical problems and enhance human capabilities.  This does not necessarily mean the use of computers, even though that is what it represents in today’s society. 
The analyzation, evaluation and creation of newer, more advanced or more ergonomic technological devices for the advancement of a purpose
The ergonomic and fashion (imagination) incorporated into a design or project.  The personal creativity of a person and how they wish to express themselves.
The development of numerical skills to support, augment and prove the STEA part of STEAM.

The incorporation of STEAM into the common core classroom is still being fought by many teachers.  For too long, the “three R’s”, “common core”, and “teaching to the test” have been at the forefront of the visible educational spectrum.  Programs such as art, music and the “shops” have been portrayed as unnecessary and have been cut, to the detriment of the students.  Now, common core teachers are being encouraged to redevelop their classes to include STEAM topics and to teach students more than just being able to answer questions on a test…

21centuryedtech, Essential Connections of STEM, PBL, and Technology Integration… What Would Dewey Think?, Michael Gorman,, September 15, 2014
Vanderbilt University, Center for Teaching, Bloom’s Taxonomy,, SAMR and Bloom’s Taxonomy: Assembling the Puzzle,

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Exploring Project Based Learning (PBL)

Exploring Project Based Learning (PBL)

According to Edutopia, PBL is a "dynamic approach to teaching in which students explore real-world problems and challenges." ( ) .  What exactly does that mean?

Basically, it means that we as instructors are giving students the knowledge, tools and skills to solve practical problems and enhance their own capabilities.  We are providing them with real-world, real-time information and challenges which they can relate to in an effort to have them increase their intellectual and physical skills.  And we are doing so in a way that they can relate to and view as a worthwhile cause, as opposed to just another lesson.

The three examples which we were asked to compare included an elementary school in Virginia
Happy Worm:
which had students studying animal behavior through the use of worms and investigating Cystic Fibrosis ( ), a high school in Washington where geometry students put their mathematical skills to use in architecturally designing a new school ( ), and another elementary school in Maryland which used the migration and life of the monarch butterfly to explore scientific and cultural diversity throughout Mexico and the United States ( ).

Project similarities:

          Each of these examples brought real-world, hands-on problems to the attention of the students, and had them solve those problems to the best of their abilities, while developing a skill set of group participation and work ethics.  Basically, the projects gave the students the sense that what they were learning was actually something useful outside of the classroom, and this gave the students a real sense of authenticity to their projects.  Also, by working in groups, it allowed the students to see that not everyone has the same idea, and that sometimes "thinking out of the box" can create the best solutions, when tempered with the constraints placed upon the project in its requirements

Another similarity between each of these projects was one of the process to solution.  Students were provided with the problem, then were given the opportunity and encouraged to question what exactly needed to be done, then answer those questions in their own level of thinking, thus making the project more relevant to themselves and their interests. The students would then research, take field trips, explore online and meet with real life experts in the field they were looking at.  They then had to develop a way to present the information, both as a static display and in personal presentation format.        

Teacher and Student:

          The roles of the teacher and the student were often intermixed within each of these projects.  The teacher was as often as not learning the information presented by the professionals and the research of the student at the same time as the students themselves.  Both the teacher and the students also act as facilitators to the project, although on different levels.  The teacher controls the overall development and progress of the project, guiding the students towards their final conclusions and keeping the students focused on their task, while the students facilitate their own learning goals and objectives, based upon their interests and individual goals.  By giving the students the opportunity to define and set their own goals, the teacher is facilitating their growth, and giving them both memorable expierences and the right to say "this is mine".

BIE Gold Standard

          The Buck Institute for Education (BIE) Gold Standards for PBL ( include the following:
Image result for Gold standard image
  • Key Knowledge, Understanding and Success 
  • Skills
  • Challenging Problems or Questions
  • Sustained Inquiry
  • Authenticity / Real World Context
  • Student Voice & Choice
  • Reflection
  • Critique and Revision 
  • Public Product (

 Each of these criteria were covered extensively within the projects described.  Students were given or had to research for knowledge and understanding.  The problems which they wee given or chose for themselves were of a level that were challenging even to the professionals which were brought in to assist.  The students asked their own questions, researched for new resources and applied that information to the problems at hand.  The projects, as discussed above, were all real-world, hands-on projects that could not only make a difference in the lives of others, but were of an interest to the students themselves.  The students made many of the decisions regarding the project themselves, within the parameters provided.  They discussed the effectiveness of their solutions, and felt free to critique others both within the class as well as within their group as to what was good and bad.  Finally, they each created a public display, including a live presentation detailing their findings.  


"More Fun Than a Barrel of . . . Worms?!" - Diane Curtis, Edutopia

"Geometry Students Angle into Architecture Through Project Learning" - Sara Armstrong, Edutopia

"March of the Monarchs: Students Follow the Butterflies' Migration"
- Diane Curtis, Edutopia 
Buck Institute (BIE) PBL Gold Standards - Article

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Inquiry Based Learning:

Not Quite Final Thoughts...


The key to Inquiry Based Learning (IBL), basically, is to allow students to learn from their mistakes, then adapt their work and advance from there.  It is a formative based instruction where students are evaluated more on personal growth and achievement then a strict regiment of specific questioning.

In essence, IBL is more of a hands-on format which allows people to explore while meeting specific criteria for advancement.  It is the antithesis to today's standardized testing formats, in that, while there are specific items that a student must know and acknowledge, the students also have the freedom to expand that knowledge into areas which interest them as opposed to being restricted in what they can learn.

In addition to being more of a hands-on format, IBL also helps students understand why the information which they are investigating is important, and how it will be viable as a skill outside of the classroom. 

IBL is bringing back into the classroom what has been ostracized for the past few decades:  the development of a students' ability not only to memorize information and take a test, but to think for themselves, analyze information, problem solve and be creative.  All of these attributes have basically been driven from the classroom as a result of standardization and common core practices.  This process (IBL) helps to bring these features back into the classroom while developing the necessary knowledge needed to take and pass the required written examinations.

As I have mentioned before, many of my units, with only some minor adjustments, will fall into the IBL format.  

With my Architecture and Engineering classes, they will be easy enough to adapt to allow students to explore aspects of each that they are interested in, while maintaining a steady rate of advancement in knowledge and skills.  Letting the students choose their own house designs, or their own animated mechanical system is a way to both keep the students engaged, as well as letting them explore.

Much of my robotics program is already in an IBL format, or close to it, as they have to design and construct robots to solve problems.  Adding in journals or having them create instruction manuals or presentations will only reinforce this process.

Beginning this fall, I am adding in a CTE aspect to the engineering curriculum:  I will be instructing in CAD, 3D printing and laser cutting, as well as avionics and control systems with the ultimate goal of having students develop and construct their own drone system.  That's right:  students will design, build and fly their own drones!  With each of these programs, I will be extending the use of rubrics, adding in an online journal requirement, and utilizing a daily KWL chart and electronic poll / question system to gauge student progress.  I am also planning on having students take a more active role in developing procedures, manuals and information packets (or links) that will be available for future student use.

One last comment...
I mentioned in the title that these are not quite final thoughts.  That is because IBL has no real final thoughts.  If conducted properly, it should be ever expanding, growing in adaptation to current technologies, while instructing in what is already in use.  If the program does not evolve, adapt and grow, it will stagnate and fall to the wayside. 

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Week 6 Thoughts: The Development of the 5E's

The Development of the 5E's

Over the past week, with the exploration of the 5E's, the conversion of lessons from traditional 
introduction / body / conclusion to that of the 5E format, I have come to realize that many of the lessons which I have developed over the past many years actually fit into this format.

While much of what we have done over the past week depicts the 5E system as a series of "stages", and almost always shows things in a linear format, I would argue that this is done more for the purpose of study than actual use. 

The "stage" of Evaluate should not be an actual stage, but one of constant and continuous incorporation. 

In addition, each of the "stages" should not necessarily stand alone, but should collaborate with one another throughout the lesson in order to be most effective.

The incorporation of the 5E system of instruction is a perfect fit into the Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) format, as it allows the students to expand their own knowledge into areas that interest them while observing and evaluating, as opposed to dictating information for the sake of information only.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Just the Facts, Ma'am...
Detective Sergeant Joe Friday, portrayed by Jack Webb
Probably the largest gain that I have had over the last week or so has been the discernment between fact and concept.

All insects have six legs.

The earth revolves around the sun.

The area of a circle is
πr squared.

Wait a minute, is the last one a concept or a fact?  Makes you want to stop and think about everything that we have been teaching, eh?

 One of the most important things that I have learned over the last two weeks is to look at the questions that I am asking, and determine whether or not they are investigable or non-investigable.  In the field of robotics, engineering and architecture, I felt that it was hard to come up with non-investigable questions, but that is not the case.  I came to realize that by the end of the courses, the questions might be investigable, or factual, based upon the information which was discerned throughout the class, but at the beginning, they were non-investigable, concept-based questions.

I guess that my big question now is, do I continue in this format, working from concept to fact, or do I work more along the lines of fact from the beginning?

I think that one of the things that I like best about the courses within this program in the diversity of the software and apps that we are exposed to.  So often  in reading the posts of the various classmates, I am introduced to apps that are not mentioned in the curriculum itself.  I absolutely love this, and wish that I had more time to work and explore many of the apps discussed.  Unfortunately, time doesn't stand still for anyone, and being able to explore is not always an option.  I was actually hoping to "Blabberize" Sergeant Joe on this page, and have him saying "Just the fact, Ma'am", but the site has been listed as "overloaded" for the past few days, so a picture will have to do.

I think that is the other thing that we need to look at.  
Though it is wonderful to have access to all of these apps and be able to use them, complete reliance on them is not wise.  Be prepared to do other activities, because technology doesn't always work the way that you want...